Two biological techniques are used to study the transcriptome, namely DNA microarray, a hybridization-based technique and RNA-seq, a sequence-based approach.
Transcriptome analysis
Explore the transcriptome for deeper insights. Learn how RNA-Seq can reveal anywhere from the full transcriptome to targeted sequences of interest.
What is Transcriptome Sequence?
The process of determining the genetic codes contained in the transcriptome, and their relative proportions, is known as transcriptome sequencing.
Transcriptome Sequencing
Service Advantages. Detection of All RNA Types: Traditional transcriptome sequencing utilizes the Oligo d(T) method to purify RNA molecules with Poly(A) tails.
Transcriptome Sequencing
Transcriptome sequencing, or RNA sequencing, offers a detailed picture of cell function and behavior by looking at RNA transcription. Our RNA sequencing ...
Reference-free assembly of long
We introduce “RNA-Bloom2 []”, a reference-free assembly method for long-read transcriptome sequencing data.
Transcriptome Sequencing by Ion Torrent NGS
Transcriptome sequencing, or RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq), provides fundamental insights into how genomes are organized and regulated —giving us valuable information about the internal state of cells and how altered expression of genetic variants contrib